Well, most of you know this was a big week for us! CJ attended preschool for the first time on Tuesday. It was a bring the parents day so we were there to take pictures and help him settle in. His teachers are Mrs. Pika and Mrs. DeBoda. On Thursday, he was expected to go to school by himself. Wednesday night he cried a bit at the thought, but on Thursday morning he kissed Casey good-bye and went right in like he had been doing it for years. When Casey picked him up, CJ turned to his teachers and said, "Thank you. I had a great time." He's so funny.
CJ also had his first visit to the eye doctor. I thought it was going to be horrible, but he was absolutely fine. Right now, his eyes look good. He maybe a bit farsighted in one eye, but Dr. Knisley says they usually grow out of it so she wants to wait to see before discussing glasses.
With Daddy back in school, CJ now gets picnic lunch days with Mama twice a week. We really enjoyed it so far. When it's nice outside we've been able to sit out and eat lunch. He also likes getting to play on the computer. He even got to attend a staff party with me this week. He really thought that was a lot of fun.
The baby on the way seems to be doing well. Sully (what we call him or her) is kicking like crazy. For several nights now, I've seen the foot come up to the top of my stomach. Of course the minute I call Case to look at it, Sully stops doing it. LOL!