Ceirnan Ray McGinnis was born on November 30th, 2009. She has grown so much over the last year and we are so proud of her. She's been through a lot and yet she is growing and thriving. She's so smart. She is walking all around the house and can say Mama, Daddy, and BraBra (brother). She has even started climbing onto things. She's excited and we are thrilled for her too. She laughs a lot. She claps her hands. She loves to dance. She is a girly-girl through and through right now. She will pick something with flowers or ruffles whenever she gets a chance. She loves her baby doll and her stuffed duck, Quackers. Most of all she loves her brother and spends most her days right on his heals. She has brought much joy to our lives and we are so grateful to have her. She is one determined little girl. For those of you who are wondering, her arm and her hand are okay. She still doesn't have full use of her hand, but she compensates well. She can pick things up with it and she usually waves with that hand as well. Her arm has healed nicely and I'm sure she'll be happy that Dr. Chang did such a good job on it. She remains a smiling, happy, smart, and beautiful child.
Above are some pictures of her birthday parties. She had one with just us on her birthday and another one the following Saturday with our dearest friends. CJ helped Mama prepare both of them, going shopping, decorating, and even cleaning up all his toys. He also decided he needed a wish on Ceirnan's birthday as you see from the picture. Ceirnan laughed through it all, put on a bit of a dance recital for our friends, and enjoyed eating all of that cake. It was a week I will never forget. Our little girl is growing up faster than we want, but none-the-less we are so amazed by her.