Seriously...I know. I know. I'm a terrible blogger. I just get so behind. Things here are good. We have had a lovely summer. It seems to be going by too quickly. Pop Pop and Nana were just here for CJ's birthday.
It's hard to believe my baby is 4-years-old. He is just getting smarter and smarter each day. He's working on his addition and subtraction, which he can do pretty well if we use people as examples. He has even started the process of reading. He's sounding out words and moving his finger under the words as we read. It's pretty exciting to see him really begin to take off.
Ceirnan is also doing great. She's starting the process of walking as long as we're still holding on to her. She's lifting herself up to stand on occasion. Ceirnan really isn't into crawling at all, but neither was CJ.
Anyway, here are some pics of CJ on his birthday. He is ready for his baseball debut, thanks to Daddy and Uncle Eric. Ceirnan even got in on the action when CJ put his batting helmet on her. She adores him. Just absolutely adores him.