The above picture of CJ was taken during his holiday party at school. He loves preschool and was really bummed during winter break because it wasn't open. He was so excited to go back on January 4th. They are very good to him and even put up a sign on the bulletin board in the hall announcing that he is now a big brother. He felt very important. Speaking of brotherhood, CJ just loves being a brother. He spends all day wanting to kiss and hug Ceirnan and he shows her off everywhere we go.
Ceirnan is doing well. She is a great baby. Very rarely cries, but she still has her days and nights mixed up. Her first month check-up went great. She grew an inch and gained about three lbs. since coming home. When she came home she was 6lbs 6oz. The picture above shows her splint that has been on since mid-December. It turns out on top of the skin condition, she also had a radial dislocation. We just feel very grateful that we have some of the top doctors in the country working with her. The last time we went to OT, it looked like the dislocation is healing. We go back to Dr. Chang for a check on Jan. 19. Dr. Shah saw Ceirnan for her skin issues last week and I am happy to report she has healed up. The next step after the dislocation has been taken care of is to set up some physical therapy for her hand and arm. We're excited though that she is healing so well. She is just such a sweet little baby.
The first picture is of CJ and Ceirnan on Christmas morning. We had a great day just soaking up family time and watching CJ enjoy the wonders of Christmas. He was really excited and enjoyed the whole magical season. It was so nice to watch him and realize how much he has grown.
I have so much more to report, but will have to leave it at this for now. To read more about Ceirnan's birth story and more updates on my thoughts about parenting you can check out www.courtcase1.blogspot.com.
P.S. Casey finished his semester strong and is taking a well needed break during winter session!