What a difference getting ready for a second baby is compared to the first. With CJ, we had things bought, washed, and put away 3-4 months before he was set to arrive. We had the nursery together and way too many things we would find out we really didn't need. This time around we're in week 37 and we just realized that I really could deliver any day now so we probably should at least pull out the car seat. We're not going with a crib as we tend to be co-sleepers plus there is not a lot of room in our bedroom. We got out the pack-n-play and added the bassinet function. It might get more use than with CJ who always slept with us just due to the fact that I expect CJ will want to climb into the bed too (at least at first). We have his old crib mattress ready to lay down on our floor in a ploy to keep him involved in a way that avoids 4 bodies in the bed. We had a few outfits for the baby that we bought along the way, but had not yet gone through CJ's old clothes. We finally did this weekend and I am very happy to say we need very little in the way of clothing. I also realized that CJ had way too many clothes when he was a baby. I think we have about 25-30 sleepers.
Something about seeing all of the baby things has really hit CJ. I think he is starting to understand that a baby will be coming home. He was very excited to help out and likes looking through all of the baby things and hearing stories. There are a few things that I've kept back just for him. I want each of the kids to have a trunk with some things that were just theirs for when they get older. CJ has been saying that he can't wait for Connall to get here. (No we haven't officially decided on that, but CJ is not budging much from his request.)
The next step...ordering new parts for the breast pump. Something I am really not looking forward to in the least. I love breastfeeding and think it is extremely beneficial both physically and emotionally to the baby. I HATE TO PUMP. At least this time, I know I need to start doing it earlier so I have more bottles saved up. I'm grateful that this time around I'm not in law school and I'm close enough that I can go home for lunch. I used to need about 24-32 oz a day in bottles. I'm hoping was can cut that by at least 50%.
It's been a good week except that we all have colds and CJ had to go to the doctor. We're just patiently waiting. I have about 9 days left of work and Pop Pop will be here in a little over a week to help out. We'll keep you all posted.
Something about seeing all of the baby things has really hit CJ. I think he is starting to understand that a baby will be coming home. He was very excited to help out and likes looking through all of the baby things and hearing stories. There are a few things that I've kept back just for him. I want each of the kids to have a trunk with some things that were just theirs for when they get older. CJ has been saying that he can't wait for Connall to get here. (No we haven't officially decided on that, but CJ is not budging much from his request.)
The next step...ordering new parts for the breast pump. Something I am really not looking forward to in the least. I love breastfeeding and think it is extremely beneficial both physically and emotionally to the baby. I HATE TO PUMP. At least this time, I know I need to start doing it earlier so I have more bottles saved up. I'm grateful that this time around I'm not in law school and I'm close enough that I can go home for lunch. I used to need about 24-32 oz a day in bottles. I'm hoping was can cut that by at least 50%.
It's been a good week except that we all have colds and CJ had to go to the doctor. We're just patiently waiting. I have about 9 days left of work and Pop Pop will be here in a little over a week to help out. We'll keep you all posted.