Well, we just got back from a doctor's appointment. I am excited to say that we are definitely on the way. I am dilated to 2 cm and 70% effaced. The doctor is thinking we'll go sometime between Nov. 30-Dec. 4. It was just the news we all needed to hear! We are excited and ready.
My dad will arrive on Tuesday to distract and take care of CJ during the big day. We are so disappointed that CJ will not be able to go into the hospital to meet his new little brother, but he will have fun with his Pop Pop. Nana will arrive shortly after the baby gets here to help too. It looks like Grandma is going to be able to make it in town the week after that as well to make sure we have plenty of help and support. God bless them.
CJ has not seemed jealous at all so far. I'm sure he's in for a big shock when the day comes we actually bring the baby home though. Aunt CeCe sent us a box of pacifiers and CJ was just thrilled that the baby got a present! He's just such a sweet natured kid. Here's a pic of him trying on his Halloween costume from when he was 1. It still fits. That child is so skinny. Anyway, he liked wearing it like that and refused to take it off all afternoon. LOL!