This is CJ rolling his eyes at us. He is such a nut. We were on our way to the Jack Johnson concert. CJ loved his first official mainstream concert! He partied it up with the best of them. Dancing and singing along and of course bossing everyone around him to do the same. Finally, he passed out and slept through the last hour and all the way home. This week has been a big one for him. He's really getting his alphabet down and only misses a few letters here and there. Numbers seem to be more of his thing though and he has been counting like crazy. He can count all the way to 9 by himself (much to our suprise), but usally likes to stop around 5 or 6. I guess as first time parents we don't know what he's supposed to be doing, but that seems like a huge deal to us. He loves numbers and is counting everything. He is also growing much more comfortable chatting with us even though he gets quite frustrated that we don't always know what he wants. He has been calling me at work and saying "Mama come home now." He also loves to tell us when he thinks someone is hungry. This weekend the horse in Lancaster was hungry and Elmo was hungry and Georgie was hungry for nanas. What else? Its been a big week. He has learned that he has an elmo (elbow) right on his arm and loves to point it out to everyone along with his knee. He needs kisses for all of his booboos and still runs to Mama when she's home for them first. (Thank goodness...I'm definitely getting squeezed out here.) He's started the Daddy hero worship and wants to be just like Casey. He's a bit confused about the move, but is definitely caught up in the excitement of packing. "I help. I help. I help." Problem is that he wants to help with things like lifting heavy boxes or using the scissors. He's just a great little boy.
The thing I just cant understand is how they always seem to find the scissors no matter where you leave them.