Easter time fun! The kids were thrilled this year that their friend Lena could join them at the Lancaster Easter Egg Hunt. It was Lena's first time. CJ did a great job picking up eggs and making sure he left some for other kids. Ceirnan scrambled right in as well and definitely got the most eggs this year. Of course, she's about a foot taller than most of the other kids in her category so that probably helped. LOL!
On Sunday, the kids woke up nice and early to see if the Easter bunny came and were thrilled to see that he had. We had a nice time at church and came home to another Easter Egg Hunt in the backyard where CJ found the golden egg!
It was a great weekend. This week we are gearing up for opening day of CJ's Little League. Ceirnan is just as excited as CJ is especially since Uncle Eric (and his family) sent her a new baseball glove.
Less than 7 weeks until Casey graduates!!!