All I can say is that we are in the thick of it. For all of you who have older children, you know how busy things can get. Between Daddy's school, CJ's school and soccer, Mama's teaching, work, and class, and Ceirnan's general business, we are worn out! It's a good feeling though to be blessed enough to do so many amazing things.
We just got back from VA where we had an amazing day hiking and climbing Humpback Rocks. The day ended at the base of a mountain and an amazing brewery called Blue Mountain Brewery. It was one of those days that you wish you could hold onto forever. As night drew near, the kids laughter floated through the air and all was right with the world.
Ceirnan and CJ continue to become closer and closer. They truly love spending time together. CJ is excelling in school. We were so pleased when his teacher said academically he is off the charts. Sorry- as his Mama I have to brag a bit. Ceirnan is equally inquisitive and bright. I think it's from watching her brother. Her verbal skills are continuing to grow. She even said "I wub you" to me last night.
Here are some cute pics.