Is it really a new year? Have we really found ourselves in 2011? Life is such a quick journey. I wish that we could just slow it down, pause more often, savory as many moments as possible. Those are some of the goals that the four of us are going to strive for this year. As we jump into the new year, Case and I are trying to focus on continuing to build a healthy and happy family. Sitting here, I just cannot believe how much our children have learned and grown in the last year.
CJ has grown about 2 inches since October.
He is beginning to sound out words and has even read a whole book on his own.
He has an amazing sense of humor and he loves to tell jokes.
He has an amazing sense of humor and he loves to tell jokes.
He loves his sister and gets excited to greet her each morning.
He is adding more and more numbers and can do some simple subtraction.
He sings a lot and has a great imagination.
He loves his family.
He's really deap and he has such a strong soul.
Ceirnan is my beautiful gypsy dancer.
She dances all day long- sometimes to music and sometimes to the beat of her own drum.
She loves dollies, kisses, and bathtime.
She walks like a pro and climbs on anything that isn't moving.
She got her first tooth the last day we were in Kansas City. Now she has three.
She knows where her nose is and likes to show you where her dolls' noses are as well.
She gives hugs and kisses.
She gives hugs and kisses.
She smiles and laughs a lot. She's just a ray of sunshine.
She can now say, Mama, Dada, BraBra, Nana, PopPop, Baby, Duck, Nose, Book, and Boot.
She can now say, Mama, Dada, BraBra, Nana, PopPop, Baby, Duck, Nose, Book, and Boot.
Case and I are well. Just moving along. Enjoying this great family. Case did wonderful his first semester back at full-time. I was very, very proud. We are really counting our blessings and being grateful by the things we have. We miss our families and are finally reading to move back to the Midwest in the coming years. We're hoping that after a string of up and down years, 2011 will be a bright and happy time.
Here are a few recent pics. CJ said, "It's a Mizzou Christmas!!"