Wow! What an end to a crazy and fun summer. We had a blast this summer spending time together as a family, enjoying some new places, and celebrating some exciting important events in the lives of our friends. The kids have explored the outdoors, spent plenty of time in the water, endured the right number of bug bites, ate enough watermelon for a whole town, and have grown like weeds. Ceirnan has begun to walk holding on to our hands or occasionally furniture, and CJ is getting great at sounding out words and writing his letters. We've celebrated CJ's birthday, Ceirnan's baptism, and the birth of two new "cousins" Lena and Olivia. We had a great time on a trip to Kansas City, a weekend getaway with Aunt Cherie in DC, a wonderful visit with Nana and Pop Pop in July, and are now finishing up with another two week visit with Pop Pop. We played in a waterfall, relaxed in our hammock, and laughed more than we've cried. It's been a great summer.
For those that did not hear, Ceirnan made it through surgery like the champion that she is. The surgery went well and was shorter than we thought it would be. Unfortunately, that was because she is missing an entire muscle and most of a nerve. Dr. Chang did scrap a lot of scar tissue out hoping that removing it would allow the tendon to move. It doesn't. However, he was able to fill in the hollow of her arm with fat and replace her big scar with a smaller one. It was as successful as it could be. The good news is that she will not have another surgery for about two more years as the next one will involve a tendon and muscle transplant. She must be old enough to follow commands in order for the surgery to be successful. Dr. Chang is optimistic as are we.
We're looking forward to the upcoming semester. It will be an exciting and challenging time as Case heads back to school full-time, CJ begins three-day a week pre-school, Mama teaches a new class and takes a new class, and Ceirnan has her first birthday. There are many wonderful events expected as we work our way toward Christmas. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Jackson and Mary Grace, CJ and Ceirnan's new cousins.We've got a month until we find ourselves exploring Disney World as Mama presents at her annual national conference. We hope to travel back to Kansas City once more in the fall and then again for an extended vacation over Christmas.