I can't believe how fast the time flies. CJ will be four in less than two months. Ceirnan will be 6 months old in twelve days. How fast time is going. I just want to wrap them up and keep them small for just awhile longer. It's exciting to see all the changes though. CJ is just so smart and he keeps getting smarter everyday. He's funny and his classmates just love him. He's so kindhearted and sensitive. In the picture above, he's wearing his birthday crown for school. Since he has a summer birthday, he celebrated last week by bringing in cookie bars. He was very proud of himself. Needless to say, this has prompted birthday fever in the house as he begins to plan his Mickey party and comb the catalog for present ideas.
Ceirnan had another big moment this week. She began eating cereal for the first time. She was extremely excited and wanted to use the spoon herself. She spent the whole day giggling and looking proud of herself. She absolutely loved it. She also figured out how to make herself swing in her swing without us turning it on. She leans forward and falls back just like you would on a real swing. She made herself go so high the other day that Casey had to stop it. It's amazing. She wants to be just like her older brother.
Speaking of the two of them...they enjoy each other so much. At nighttime, I usually bring them both in to read books, but it's getting to where I have to have Casey come and get Ceirnan. They giggle too much. I can't get them settled down because they are pushing on each other's feet and laughing. Ceirnan is the real culprit. She wants to be touching CJ at all times. It's cute, but not conducive to falling asleep.