I don't have a lot of news to report today. The pics above are from Jess De Feo's 21st birthday that we went to this weekend. It was fun to get together with the De Feo family and see some of Jessi's friends that I haven't seen in a long time. It's hard to believe she's 21 now. CJ had a great time playing with Daniel. Ceirnan did pretty good too. She just smiles as she's passed around. Casey and I enjoyed being around other adults and listening to the good music.
Last week was a big adjustment for us as Case went back to school and I went back to work. It looks like we'll make it though. Ceirnan tends to get cranky in the afternoon and just wants to snuggle with me as soon as I get through the door. CJ has been great! He helps with Ceirnan and for some reason has started going to bed early. I think he just likes getting Mama time because we always read 4-5 stories.
No new news to report about Ceirnan's arm. We go back to the doctor on March 5th. Hopefully a solution can be found as we do not want her to miss her milestones.