Halloween week already. It's so hard to believe. CJ is absolutely excited by all the fun things going on. This weekend we went to a Halloween parade and CJ got to trick-or-treat downtown. He is a fireman and loves squirting everyone especially Mama with water. Later this week we will be going to the pumpkin patch, 2 Halloween parties, and more trick-or-treating. Tonight we are just excited to settle in and watch Charlie Brown.
Last week we had a doctor's appointment and an ultrasound. The baby is growing beautifully. He's up to 5 lbs now. His head is down and he looks like he's getting ready. Mama is really ready to have the baby. CJ and Daddy are being wonderful and helping me with all of the things I can't do anymore.
The first picture is of CJ who fell asleep during dinner. It was only about 6pm. He had a bad cold last week, but refused to admit it. That was Saturday night. It was funny to see him just fall over asleep like when he was a little baby.
My office is moving to a new location this week so life has been pretty hectic. Casey and CJ have been a big help.