It's been a long week here in Delaware. Well, Mama has been crazy at work, but CJ and Daddy have had some good playing time. I think most of you know that our ultrasound went well, but we weren't able to see if we are having a boy or a girl. Now, we have to wait until Sept. 23. Pregnancy is going well. This baby is sitting extremely high up and loves to kick out of Mama' right side. Casey enjoys feeling his or her little foot pushing out. CJ is still really excited and keeps bringing me toys to give the baby. I think he's going to be really suprised when the baby actually arrives though.
Daddy and CJ went to the state fair last week and had a great time. We didn't think CJ would want to get on too many rides, but he loved them. He and Casey even went on the big ferris wheel, which was by far his favorite thing. He can't stop talking about it. He also rode the train and the boats and was very disappointed when Daddy ran out of tickets.
We just received his paperwork to start playschool in the Fall. He will be attending two days a week for a couple of hours in the morning. I think he's really going to enjoy playing with other kids. There are 6 girls and 6 boys in his class. The school is directly across the street from me at a church. He is also excited that music school is starting again soon. He can't wait to go back to Miss Karen's class.
That's about it for now. The pic is from CJ's day at the fair.