Wow! After two weeks of traveling we are finally back home. We first went to Kansas City to Eric's wedding and then flew out to Vegas for Becky's wedding. I will be sending more pictures as soon as I can, but thought you all might want to see CJ walking with his date at Becky's wedding.
Kansas City was wonderful. We are so excited that Alycia and Nevaeh are now official members of the Yount family. CJ had a sleepover at Grandma's and thoroughly enjoyed himself. We were able to squeeze in time to see everyone despite a hectic schedule. CJ had a blast with all of it. It was great to finally share our news with all the family!
Before we left for Kansas City we had a doctors appointment and actually got to see the baby move! It was exciting. We are anxiously awaiting the next ultrasound hoping we'll be able to find out if the baby is a boy or girl. Hopefully, it won't be too soon to tell.