It's almost summer time and we are certainly ready to greet it's arrival. This week has been a bit rainy, but we know summer is right around the corner. CJ is ready to spend his days in the pool and at the playground with Dad. As soon as we get back from our upcoming trips, Case is planning on building CJ some activity tables in the backyard as well. We are definitely looking forward to camping, bbqs, and nights by the firepit. CJ received his summer cut yesterday and did not cry one bit. He was quite proud of himself and enjoyed his ice cream reward. He is just ready for everyone to hit town
As I write, Case and CJ are on the way to the airport to pick up my aunt. My parents and my brother will follow at various times throughout today. We are all really excited that family is coming to town. It's been a long break and with Case in school travelling will become a bit more difficult. He is much more dedicated to attending class than I ever was! LOL!