This week is potty training week! So far CJ is off to a great start. In fact, he just called me to say he's pottied again. We're very proud. It's a lot of work for him (and us). The first day he looked so tired by the end of the day, but at dinner that night he said very loudly "Oh no! I am going potty!" Luckily, he wasn't yet and he made it on time. We thought the candy reward would be the best part, but he seems to like pouring and flushing best. He says, "good-bye pee!" as it goes down. The second day we hit the potty more times than we missed and today we've only had one accident so far. We are really, really proud of him. I have to say though that he seems really relieved when he gets to put his diaper on for bed. He hasn't been asking for one during the day though. I think he likes the feeling of not having one on even if its hard to remember to go. He's a bit sad about being a big boy too, I think. He's been asking to be held a lot this week- at least more than normal it seems.
Another quick funny story...Saturday night, Mama went out with her friends and our friend Sami came over for a boys night. When I asked CJ what the boys did he cocked his head to one side and said, "aww, we just hung out." It was hilarous. I guess I'll be hearing that for the next 20 years.
P.S. The picture was from October when we took CJ to pick out a pumpkin.