Well, we survived. CJ survived. We made it. Casey finished his last final on Tuesday night in American History. I submitted my final paper on Wednesday! I think Casey is more excited than I am. He has been such an amazing support over the last four years as I struggled to get through. Speaking of support...we can't forget our number one trooper, CJ. Yesterday I was so tired I could barely see straight. CJ told me to go night night and kept saying shh...mama sleep. What a great kid.
We're always amazed at how truly smart he is becoming. Casey was driving me to work on Tuesday and CJ says from the back seat, Hey, Mama. Today is Tuesday. Then yesterday after I finished at the law school, he sighed, laughed, and said Mama's last year of school! I definitely think he's a listener.
The picture is from a few weeks ago when we had our first snow. That is one thing CJ loves! Snow and snowmen. He cannot wait until there is enough snow to build the best snowman ever. He immediatley tried to catch some with his tongue.