Its been nearly a month and we're still doing fine. CJ continues to grow like a weed and develop into a very sweet young man. He is very good at his please and thank yous and surprises us with a your welcome every once in awhile too. He loves to look at photo albums and to randomly name off all the people that he knows. Its quite funny. He can count along with Mama and Daddy up to ten now. Its hard to believe . He has an amazing sense of humor and loves to laugh with all of his little teeth flashing. He thinks he's about 20, and some days its hard to tell the difference between CJ and my college students. He's very studious and takes reading very seriously. Unless you are reading to him, he prefers to be left alone while he is enjoying his story. Curious George is still his best friend and Elmo is constantly on his mind. He loves his Sesame Street. His other favorite is Wheel of Fortune. As I sit here writing, he's proudly shouting out letters to help the contestant...