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Showing posts from March, 2008
Whew! What a long week. CJ and Daddy spent the week playing and getting into a routine until CJ ended up sick again with brochilitis and an ear infection. Mama, Daddy, and CJ spent two hours at the doctor on Friday and poor CJ was stuck with breathing treatments every 3-4 hours all weekend. He definitely has asthma so we're hoping he will grow out of it quickly. Even still, he managed to have a great Easter and of course, was spoiled by everyone. His Grandpa McGinnis and Grandma Becky had the Easter Bunny send him a basket with lots of fun stuff. Aunt Cece sent a fun package with lots of CJ's favorites including a dollar which he promptly unfolded and slid under the stereo with the rest of his money. (We can't figure out why he likes to do this, but he's stored up over $10 so far. The weird thing is it's only bills that go under there; any coin change he finds goes into his pink sing along pig that is supposed to hold huge plastic coins). Of course the Easter Bunny ...

New Cousin

There seems to be lots to update you all on. CJ is doing great! He just loves to talk now and his vocabulary seems to be growing so quickly I can hardly keep up. More than that, he responds to questions now. That has been really exciting. He recently took his first trip to New York with Mama, Daddy, and Aunt CeCe. He seemed to really have a good time and was fascinated by the speed and all the lights. I'll post pictures and more updates about the trip soon. Today, we wanted to announce that CJ has a new cousin- Evan Michael. His cousin Abby is now a big sister! Evan and Sarah are doing fine. Evan was born on Sunday and weighed in at 9lbs 12oz. CJ can't wait to get back to Missouri and meet him! Here is a picture of Evan Michael. I'll post some new pics of CJ later this week. P.S. Casey is now a stay at home Dad- at least for a bit. I'm sure the two of them will be causing trouble all over South Philly now.


Hi all! Things here are going alright. I am on "Spring Break" this week (too bad I still have to work) and we are looking forward to not having to deal with classes for much longer. CJ got a big boy haircut from a professional finally. Sandy went to Grandma Dee's early on Tuesday to give him a big boy cut. She said he did very well and didn't cry too much. When I got there he ran right up and pulled on his hair! It was quite funny. He is still climbing all over things and is talking a lot more this week. He even chatted it up with Grandpa on the phone for several minutes. He got to run around today out in the grass and chase Casey so he was very happy. Next week he gets a day home with Daddy and gets to see Aunt Cece who will be here on Thursday. Here are some pictures of his new haircut. I had to include the one in which he is screaming because he wants the camera!!